Load Angular components anywhere

Angular Dynamic Hooks can load Angular components into any dynamic content, such as strings, individual HTML elements or the whole browser page.

A short animated gif showing how to use the Angular Dynamic Hooks library to load components

Features overview and highlights

Easy dynamic loading

Loads fully-functional Angular components into dynamic content at runtime

Parse any content

Can parse both strings and already-loaded HTML content

Standalone mode

Can be used fully standalone to load components into HTML without Angular

No JiT compiler needed

Keeps package sizes small by not relying on the Angular compiler to create components


Works with the native Server-Side-Rendering functionality added in Angular 17

Load anywhere

Loads components by their selectors, custom selectors or any text pattern of your choice

No constraints

All standard features like services, inputs/outputs, lifecycle methods, etc. work normally


Optionally allows lazy-loading components only if they appear in the content

Easy communication

Utilize a context object to pass data safely to your dynamic components
... <hook> ...
An arrow pointing downwards
... Component ...

What if you wanted to load components not just from static templates, but from dynamic content - such as string variables, HTML elements or even a live webpage?

By default, this is not easily possible.

Angular Dynamic Hooks aims to solve this problem. It offers a simple way to load Angular components into so-called hooks. Hooks can be HTML elements or text patterns.

Getting started is simple 👍


Install the library with

npm install ngx-dynamic-hooks
An arrow pointing downwards

Import the DynamicHooksComponent wherever you need it

import { DynamicHooksComponent } from 'ngx-dynamic-hooks';

  imports: [DynamicHooksComponent]
An arrow pointing downwards

Get your content and components to load

// The content to parse
content = 'Load a component here: <app-example></app-example>';
// A list of components to look for
parsers = [ExampleComponent];
An arrow pointing downwards

And pass them to <ngx-dynamic-hooks>

<ngx-dynamic-hooks [content]="content" [parsers]="parsers"></ngx-dynamic-hooks>

That's it! The content will now be rendered with a working ExampleComponent in it! 🎉

📄 To the full documentation