πŸŽ‰ Version 3 - What's new?
An icon depicting a rocket

Quick start

Minimal example

Install the library with:

npm install ngx-dynamic-hooks

Then import the DynamicHooksComponent as well as your dynamic component(s) to load:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { DynamicHooksComponent } from 'ngx-dynamic-hooks';
import { ExampleComponent } from 'somewhere';

  imports: [DynamicHooksComponent]
export class AppComponent {

  // The content to parse
  content = 'Load a component here: <app-example></app-example>';

  // A list of components to look for
  parsers = [ExampleComponent];

You can now use the DynamicHooksComponent (<ngx-dynamic-hooks>) where you want to render the content:

<ngx-dynamic-hooks [content]="content" [parsers]="parsers"></ngx-dynamic-hooks>

That’s it! If <app-example> is the selector of ExampleComponent, it will automatically be loaded in its place, just like in a normal template.

See it in action

About using modules

If your app uses modules instead of the new standalone components structure, you can import the DynamicHooksComponent there instead:

  imports: [DynamicHooksComponent],
  declarations: [ExampleComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Next steps

Please note that the above is a minimal example and that there are plenty more features and options available to you. You can read about them on these pages:

  • The Introduction page explains what a hook is and what the library is for.
  • The How to use page shows you the most common ways to use the library when used as part of an Angular app.
  • The Standalone mode page explains how to use the library without Angular, allowing you to load fully-functional Angular components freely in other contexts (CMS, static HTML, etc).
  • The Component features page shows how to pass data to your dynamically-loaded components, subscribe to their outputs, special lifecycle methods, etc.
  • The Configuration page gives an overview of all the options and settings available to you.
  • The Parsers page lists the various ways to find components - including writing your own parsers!