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Loading a single dynamic component

While you can always load just one component via the DynamicHooksComponent, sometimes that can feel a bit verbose and it would be more convenient to have a dedicated tool for the job.

For that purpose, you can simply use the DynamicSingleComponent. It loads a single dynamic component with inputs/outputs whereever you need it.


Here are some details about the inputs:

Input name Type Description
component Any component class The component class to load.
inputs Object literal An object literal where the keys are the input names and the values are their values.
outputs Object literal An object literal where the keys are the output names and the values are functions that will be called when they emit.
options DynamicHooksSingleOptions A couple of options to modify how the component works.

A DynamicHooksSingleOptions object is just an abbreviated version of a ParseOptions object and works the same:

interface DynamicHooksSingleOptions {
  updateOnPushOnly?: boolean;
  compareInputsByValue?: boolean;
  compareOutputsByValue?: boolean;
  compareByValueDepth?: number;
  ignoreInputAliases?: boolean;
  ignoreOutputAliases?: boolean;
  acceptInputsForAnyProperty?: boolean;
  acceptOutputsForAnyObservable?: boolean;

There is also one output you can subscribe to:

Input name Type Description
componentLoaded EventEmitter<ComponentRef> Will emit the ComponentRef when the component has loaded

The DynamicSingleComponent will automatically reload the internal component whenever the component-input changes and keep updating it if any other input changes.